Employers have a great responsibility and obligation to take steps in ensuring that processes, tools, and practices used for employee selection, promotion or termination are not used to discriminate on basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or the disability status.  

Human Resource Teams are taking steps in educating managers and supervisors on proper interview and employee management approaches as well as fulfilling legal obligations on Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reporting.

The civil rights and labor law Civil Rights Act of 1964 is widely considered “One of the most significant legislative achievements in American history.” It’s Title VII – Equal Employment Opportunity condemned “Discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, or National Origin”. Today, anti-discrimination laws have been extended to include discrimination based on age and disability status. 

The compliance Equal Employment Opportunity laws is important consideration for every employer and extends not just direct actions of the employer, but to tools and processes used in hiring. This includes tools used for applicant screening. 

But what about Pre-Employment Tests?

The  Title VII specifies conditions for hiring screening tests that employers can administer:

Tests Must Be Professionally Developed

While the Title VII itself does not specifically define the term, the University of Richmond, published a  Law Review in 1970 clarifying the applicability.

EQMatch Psychometric Model has been developed by our staff psychologists:

  • Dr. Abby Hamilton, Industrial-organizational Psychologist
  • Doctorate Candidate Sherif al-Qallawi, Industrial-organizational Psychologist
Tests Must Be Job Related and Consistent with Business Necessity

While this is not explicitly stated in the law, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) has issued an administrative declaration. This declaration was later supported by court decisions  (Myatt v. Motorola, 110 CONG. REc. 5662-64 (1964) and Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 420 F.2d 1237, 1239 (4th Cir. 1970)).

The overwhelming body of scientific knowledge points at the fact that individuals with higher levels of emotional intelligence are better leaders, have higher job performance, lower turnover intent, and other job-related areas. See our  research references.

Tests Must Not Be Designed or Used To Discriminate Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex or National Origin

EQMatch Pre-employment assessment will voluntary collect the demographic data for job candidates. However, this data will never be shared with the employer, and it will never be saved along with personally identifiable information (PII).

EQMatch Science team continuously monitors and analyses the collected demographics data and scores to ensure that our assessment our assessment provides highly accurate scores without any significant statistical correlation based on race, sex, color, national origin, disability, or veteran status. 

Tests Must Be Equally Applied and Equally Scored For All Applicants

Our scoring calculation is performed exactly the same for all respondents. Additionally, the voluntary demographics questionnaire is presented at the end of the assessment, after the scores have been internally calculated and saved.  Opting out of the demographics questionnaire have no impact on scores.

Start hiring emotionally intelligent employees today